Tea Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE The Ultimate Collection of 110 Books This is the most complete collection on FLASH DRIVE for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive 16 GB FLASH DRIVE readable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our USBs are professionally produced , designed and packaged. This USB contains 110 interesting books about Tea. You will discover information on many topics such as Steep, Infusion, Herbal, Ceremony, Earl, Grey, Green, Chamomile, Teapot, Brewing, Sip and many more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Tea! Contents: All About Tea Vol.1 (1935) - Ukers, W. H. - 587 pages Monographs on tea production in ceylon (1956) - Keegel, E. L. - 182 pages Special report on tea-raising in South Carolina (1893) - Shepard, C. U. - 34 pages The tea cyclopædia (1882) - n.a. - 402 pages Views of Lipton's Ceylon tea estates (1912) - n.a. - 64 pages A cup of tea, containing a history of the tea plant from its discovery to the present time, including its botanical characteristics (1884) - Walsh, J. M. - 208 pages A Descriptive Account of Asam ; with a Sketch of the local Geography, and a concise History of Tea Plant of Asam (1841) - Robinson, W. - 444 pages A dissertation upon tea ; explaining its nature and properties by many new experiments (1730) - Short, T. - 136 pages A Journey to the Tea Countries of China ; Sung-lo and the Bohea Hills; with a Short Notice of the East India Company's Tea Plantations in the Himalaya Mountains (1852) - Fortune, R. - 468 pages A letter to a friend, concerning tea (1825) - Wesley, J. - 58 pages A new collation for tea-time (1974) - n.a. - 48 pages A popular treatise on tea; its qualities and effects (1863) - Summer, J. - 54 pages A sketch of the growth and history of tea and the science of blending particularly adapted to the Canadian trade (1881) - Dane, F. - 123 pages A Tea Planters̓ Life in Assam (1884) - Barker, G. M. - 298 pages A text book on the chemistry and agriculture of tea; including the growth and manufacture (1893) - Bamber, M. K. - 301 pages A treatise on tobacco, tea, coffee, and chocolate (1746) - Paulli, S. - 192 pages Account of the Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea in China (1848) - Samuel, B. - 412 pages Advice medical, and economical, relative to the purchase and consumption of tea, coffee, & chocolate, wines, and malt liquors , including tests to detect adulteration (1830) - Stevenson, J. - 228 pages All About Tea Vol.2 (1935) - Ukers, W. H. - 585 pages An account of the cultivation and manufacture of tea in China (1848) - Ball, S. - 442 pages Analysis of smallholder tea development in Tanzania (1977) - Bulkagile, S. R. K. - 362 pages Around the tea-table (1895) - Talmage, T. D. W. - 324 pages Breakfast, dinner, and tea (1869) - Andrews, J. C. - 376 pages Breakfast, luncheon and tea (1884) - Harland, M. - 484 pages Campbell's tea, coffee and spice manual, a comprehensive trade manual on teas, coffees and spices (1920) - Campebll, L. E. - 200 pages Candlelight tea; a book of recipes (1910) - Dunlap, L. - 60 pages Capital and Labour In The Indian Tea Industry (1954) - Kumar, B. S. - 166 pages Chemical Investigation on Indian Tea (1954) - Ferguson, H. - 70 pages China tea, a compendious description; Panama Pacific Exposition (1915) - n.a. - 12 pages Coffee and tea (1883) - Poore, G. V. - 50 pages Coffee Tea and Cocoa (1921) - Monahan, A. H. - 514 pages Coffee, tea, and chocolate; their influence upon the health, the intellect, and the moral nature of man (1846) - Arroman, A. - 126 pages Correspondence regarding to the Cultivation of Tea in Assam (1859) - n.a. - 78 pages Deipnosymposium, or, A collation for tea-time (1971) - n.a. - 44 pages Essay on the cultivation and manufacture of tea (1874) - Money, E. - 210 pages Essays on the cultivation of the tea plant (1848) - Smith, J. - 72 pages Fickle fortune in Ceylon (18877) - n.a. - 82 pages Five o'clock tea (1894) - Howells, W. D. - 60 pages Five o'clock tea and table kettles (1895) - Sternau, S. - 84 pages Golden tips; a description of Ceylon and its great tea industry (1905) - Cave, H. W. - 516 pages Guide to tea drinkers (1845) - Foote, A. E. - 36 pages Home-grown tea (1907) - Mitchell, G. F. - 17 pages Indian Tea Its Culture and Manufacture (1922) - Bald, C. - 446 pages Le café, le thé & le chocolat (1893) - Franklin, A. - 346 pages Legal chemistry; a guide to the detection of poisons, examination of tea, stains, etc. (1876) - Naquet, A. J. - 220 pages List of the principal tea districts in China and notes on the names applied to the various kinds of black and green tea (1876) - Hollingworth, H. C. - 20 pages New England breakfast breads, luncheon and tea biscuits (1891) - Swett, L. G. - 142 pages Note on the late Mr. Crawfurd's paper on the migration of coffee, tea, etc. (1869) - Campbell, A. - 16 pages Notes on tea in Darjeeling (1888) - n.a. - 107 pages Observations on the Tea and Window Act, and on the tea trade (1784) - Twining, R. - 74 pages On the tea cultivation in western Ssuch'uan ; and, The tea trade with Tibet viâ Tachienlu (1895) - De Rosthorn, A. - 50 pages Physiological action of tea as a beverage (1906) - n.a. - 19 pages Politics and tea ; being a brief history of the activities of the Minneapolis Republican Women's Club since its organization in May, nineteen twenty (1922) - Remington, P. E. - 170 pages Record of Tea family (1940) - Tea, E. C. - 38 pages Recruitment of labour for tea gardens in Assam (1909) - Gruning, J. F. - 24 pages Report upon the present condition and future of tea cultivation in the north-west provinces and in the Punjab (1860) - n.a. - 148 pages Scintillae juris, and, Meditations in the tea room (1914) - Darling, C. J. D. - 232 pages Simmon's spice mill; devoted to the interests of the coffee, tea and spice trades (1913) - n.a. - 769 pages Some observations on the medicinal and dietetic properties of green tea (1827) - Newnham, W. - 36 pages Strange teas, dinners, weddings and fetes (1887) - n.a. - 136 pages Tables shewing the cost of tea , with all charges, as bought in Hankow by the pecul of 133 1/3 pounds avoirdupois for taels of sycee, and sold in London by the pound avoirdupois, at the several exchanges (1863) - Townend, E. - 52 pages Tea (1937) - Williams, L. - 40 pages Tea and coffee (1839) - Alcott, W. A. - 183 pages Tea and tea blending (1894) - n.a. - 196 pages Tea and tea drinking (1884) - Reade, A. - 176 pages Tea and the effects of tea drinking (1905) - Tebb, W. S. - 28 pages Tea cultivation in Ceylon; pruning and kindred subjects (1913) - Hamlin, E. - 42 pages Tea cultivation, cotton and other agricultural experiments in India; a review (1863) - Lees, W. N. - 422 pages Tea culture; the experiment in South Carolina (1899) - Shepard, C. U. - 64 pages Tea hints for retailers (1903) - Blake, J. H. - 336 pages Tea in India (1960) - Poduval, R. N. - 62 pages Tea in Natal--past, present and future (1882) - Hulett, J. L. - 32 pages Tea leaves, being a collection of letter s, and documents relating to the shipment of tea to the American colonies in the year 1773, by the East India Tea Company (1884) - Drake, F. S. - 400 pages Tea planting in the outer Himalayah (1861) - McGowan, A. T. - 88 pages Tea producing companies of India and Ceylon , showing the history and results of those capitalised in sterling (1897) - Gow, W. - 192 pages Tea room business (1920) - Cary, I. L. - 12 pages Tea, coffee and cocoa ; a practical treatise on the analysis of tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, maté (Paraguay tea), etc. (1874) - Wanklyn, J. A. - 80 pages Tea, coffee, and cocoa preparations (1892) - Spencer, G. L. - 188 pages Tea, from grower to consumer (n.d.) - Ibbetson, A. - 154 pages Tea, its effects, medicinal and moral (1839) - Sigmond, G. G. - 174 pages Tea, its history and mystery (1892) - Walsh, J. M. - 276 pages Tea, its mystery and history (1876) - Day, S. P. - 108 pages Tea; and the tea trade. Parts first and second (1850) - Nye, G. - 64 pages Tea; its origin, cultivation, manufacture and use (1890) - Hauser, I. L. - 46 pages Tea-blending as a Fine Art (1896) - Walsh, J. M. - 159 pages Tea-culture as a probable American industry (1879) - Saunders, W. - 36 pages The afternoon tea book ; how to make tea, coffee, chocolate, cakes, scones, rolls, sandwiches, cooling drinks, and ices (1900) - Maitland, A. C. - 148 pages The art of tea blending (1882) - n.a. - 112 pages The book of tea (1906) - Okakura, K. - 188 pages The bubbling teapot; a wonder story (1886) - Champney, E. W. - 288 pages The Ceylon tea-makers' handbook (1899) - Pett, G. T. - 92 pages The cultivation & manufacture of tea (1883) - Money, E. - 344 pages The cultivation and manufacture of tea (1878) - Money, E. - 252 pages The cultivation and manufacture of tea in the United States (1912) - Mitchell, G. F. - 54 pages The Culture And Marketing Of Tea (1933) - Herler, C. - 422 pages The Diseases Of The Tea Bush (1923) - Petch, T. - 234 pages The early history of the tea industry in north-east India (1918) - Mann, H. H. - 44 pages The little tea book (1903) - Gray, A. - 124 pages The natural history of the tea-tree , with observations on the medical qualities of tea, and effects of tea-drinking (1772) - Lettsom, J. C. - 88 pages The past and present state of the tea trade of England (1832) - Martin, R. M. - 247 pages The pests and blights of the tea plant being a report of investigations conducted in Assam and to some extent also in Kangra by George Watt (1898) - Watt, G. - 504 pages The Story of Indian Tea (1966) - Santapau, H. - 5 pages The tea industry (1921) - Kydd, J. C. - 66 pages The Tea planter's vade mecum (1885) - n.a. - 400 pages The Tea soils of Assam and tea manuring (1901) - Mann, H. H. - 170 pages Thea viridis, or Chinese tea plant , and the practicability of its culture and manufacture in the United States; also some remarks on the cultivation of the coffee plant (1877) - n.a. - 32 pages Three years' wanderings in the northern provinces of China , including a visit to the tea, silk, and cotton countries (1847) - Fortune, R. - 444 pages Two visits to the tea countries of China and the British tea plantations in the Himalaya Vol.1 (1853) - Fortune, R. - 346 pages Two visits to the tea countries of China and the British tea plantations in the Himalaya Vol.2 (1853) - Fortune, R. - 322 pages When Boston braved the king; a story of tea-party times (1899) - Bartn, W. E. - 334 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.