African Angel Herbal Natural Swedish Bitter Tonic - 16 Fl. Oz. Ingredients: Manna Stem, Fraxinus Onus Leaves, Aloe Leaf, Senna Leaf, Rhubarb Root, Zedoary Root, Myrrh Stem, Carline Thistle Root, Black Snakeroot, Valerian Root, Cinnamon Bark, Cardamom Fruit, Hawthorn Berry, Motherworth, Cayenne, Ginkgo, Green Tea, Angelica Root, Garlic, Hibiscus Flower, Alfalfa, Linden Leaf & Flower, Olive Leaf, Uva Usi, Buchu, Flaxseed, Golden Rod, Sarsaparilla, Ginger, Niacin, Turmeric, Distilled Water. Benefits : Helps to: - Relief bloating, gas, muscle cramps, and nausea - Restore a natural acid balance - Stimulate liver function and encourages detoxification - Health Digestion and soothes digestive tract - Reduce blood sugar naturally - Promotes bile generation - Boosts immune systems - Reduces cholesterol and mucus, and burns fat Directions : Adults, measure 1.0 fl. oz. of Herbal Natural Swedish Bitter Tonic and drink in the morning and same in the evening after meal.